Presentation Information
[V-322]durability of concrete with high replaced of ground granulated blast-furnace slag in hot spring soil environment
*Hiroki Hashiguchi1, Yoshikazu Akira2, Toshinobu Yamaguchi3, Shinya Hiramoto4 (1. Department of ocean civil engineering graduate school of science and engineering, Kagoshima university, 2. Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science, Kagoshima University (Dr. Eng), 3. Professor, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science, Kagoshima University (Dr. Eng), 4. Technical Development Center, Nippon Steel Blast Furnace Cement Co.)
gland granulated blast-surface furnace,low carbon type concreat,hot spring environment,sulfuric acid deterioration,sulfate deterioration
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