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[V-340]Relrationship between mixing volume and power consumption
during cocrete production (part 2)
-Green Inovation Fund Projecto
"CUCO" Development Resuts-

*Shinya Yasuda1, Takeshi Okamoto1, Yoshitaka Hano1, Raiki Fujitani1, Kenji Ishida1, Takema Futami2, Makoto Ikegami2, Mitsuya Miyamoto2, Takeshi Torichigai3, Hiroshi Oota3, Takashi Ozawa3, Yoshikatsu Miyauchi3 (1. NIKKO CORPORATION, 2. Nagaoka Ready-Mixed Concrete, 3. KAJIMA CORPORATION)
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CUCO,batching plant,CO2,mixing volume,electric power,eco-friendly concrete

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