Presentation Information

[V-824]A Study on quality assessment of hardened concrete by medical X-ray CT scanning

*Toru Okabayashi1,4,5,2,3, Kastunori Yokoi6,2,3,11,4,5, Goichiro Uramoto7,8,9,10 (1. Miyazaki Surveying Design Consultant Co., Ltd., 2. Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 3. JAPAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, 4. Japan Society of Concrete Diagnosis and Maintenance Engineers, 5. Kochi Concrete Diagnosis, 6. National Institute of Technology, Kochi College, 7. Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi University, 8. The Geological Society of Japan, 9. The Sedimentological Society of Japan, 10. Japan Geoscience Union, 11. THE SOCIETY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN)


CT nunber,Binarization,Air content,W/C,Coarse aggregate content in concrete

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