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[VI-1111]Comparison of deepest riverbed elevation and depth of Pleistocene gravel beds by superimposing a three-dimensional model of the river channel and a columnar map.

*Aoi Matsumura1, Hirotaka Watanabe3, Ryota Kotake3, Yudai Takagi3, Takeshi Watanabe1, Takuya Niimura1, Hiroyuki Masuyama1, Ichiro Nakajima2, Aya Shimizu2 (1. Pacific Consultants Co., LTD., 2. Zensin Co., LTD., 3. Tenryu River Upper Reach Office Chubu Regional Development Bureau Ministry of Land)
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Embankment inspection,River patrol,river bed scouring,Pleistocene gravel beds

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