Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Keigo Suzuki

[I-17]Evaluation of Corrosion Environment by Period in Kaga Area Using Real Bridge

*Kodai Nakagawa1, Kenji Maeda1, Hakuto Sakai1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College)

[I-18]Investigation of a Method for Measuring Coating Thickness by Infrared Light for Primer Coating of Steel Bridges at the Time of Repainting

*Tatsuro Sakamoto1, Hayato Suzuki2 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute, 2. kensetsu tosou kougyou Co., Ltd)

[I-19]Investigation of the rust status of a nickel-based high weathering steel bridge 24 years after construction

*Naoto Motobayashi1, motoya kimura1, atsumi imai2 (1. West Japan Railway Company, 2. Nippon Steel Anti-corrosion Co., Ltd.)

[I-20]Investigation of the corrosive environment of the Metropolitan Expressway

*Takashi Kamijo1, Wataru Iwai1, Yosuke Ishihara2, Naofumi Soejima2 (1. Shutoko Technology Center, 2. Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd)

[I-21]Strain measurement of a steel bridge without removing paint using a magnetic sheet

*Masaki Yamada1, Kiyotaka Tsunoda, Yusuke Sasaki (1. Tohoku Institute of Technology)

[I-22]Investigation of Vertical Stiffner of Support for Multi-Girder Bridges.

*Yasuo HANAOKA1, Nobuhito OKUBO1, Kunitomo SUGIURA2, Yasuo KITANE2, Yoshinao GOI2, Iksong KIM2 (1. TAKADAKIKO Co.,Ltd., 2. KYOTO UNIVERSITY)

[I-23]Study of Monitoring and Measurement Technology for Reinforced Concrete Slabs

*Chisa Yamada1, Takahiro Asano1, Hirotaka Fujiwara2 (1. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. NEXCO WEST Innovations Company Limited)

[I-24]On-site application verification of image monitoring for RC slabs

*Hirotaka Fujiwara1, Takahiro Asano2, Chisa Yamada2 (1. NEXCO WEST Innovations Company Limited, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)