Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Yosuke Ishihara

[I-32]A study on understanding the condition of steel rose girders

*Yuji Maki1, Kiyoshi Ishii1, Hirotsugu Yamada1 (1. Dia Nippon Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[I-33]Maintenance and management methods for pin-truss bridge structures more than 100 years old.

*Ren Yawata1, Shuuhei Kunimatsu1, Yuu Hatanaka1 (1. East Japan Railway Company Niigata Branch Office)

[I-34]Identification of dynamic characteristic of a pin-truss using video analysis method

*Takamoto Kobayashi1, Eiichi Sasaki2, Ayako Akutsu2 (1. East Japan Railway Company, 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[I-35]Fundamental Study on Damage Detection in the Center of Steel Plate Girder Bridges Using lateral bracing

*Kana Akahoshi1, Takashi Yamaguchi1, Gen Hayashi1, Hitoshi Furuta1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[I-36]Study on structural performance of pin truss railway bridge with Langer reinforcement

*Kenji Kita1, Kunitaro Hashimoto2, Kenta Matsubara2, Ryo Adachi3, Kouta Kimura3 (1. West Japan Railway Company, 2. Kobe University, 3. RAILWAY TRACK AND STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGY CO)

[I-37]Signal Processing for Vertical Acceleration to Deflection in Short-Span Bridges

*Riri Shirasaka1, Keigo Suzuki1 (1. Fukui University)

[I-38]Monitoring during steel bridge construction with wireless sensors using Concurrent Transmisson Flooding

*Hideki Nagatani1, Yumeki Kamino1, Naoya Otani2, So Yakeuti1 (1. Miyaji Engineering Co., Ltd, 2. Sonas, Inc.)