Session Details

疲労 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Takeshi Hanji

[I-75]Effect of specimen size on fatigue strength of out-of-plane gusset welded joints subjected to UIT

*Hiroshi Shimanuki1, Takayuki Yonezawa1 (1. Nippon Steel Corporation)

[I-76]Analytical Study on Size Effects of Out-of-Plane Gusset Welded Joints Subjected to Out-of-Plane Bending Stress

*Natsuki Sakai1, Daisuke Uchida3, Anami Kengo2, Kouki Watanabe2 (1. HOSEI University Graduate school, 2. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3. HOSEI University)

[I-77]Plate Thickness Effect on Fatigue Strength of Out-of-Plane Gusset Welded Joints Subjected to Tension

*Koki Watanabe1, Kengo Anami1, Natsuki Sakai3, Daisuke Uchida2 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. Hosei University, 3. Hosei University Graduate School)

[I-78]Fatigue strength properties of carbon steel and stainless steel butt welded joint

*WATARU Hane1, Satoshi Aramaki1, Kota Annoura1, Tetsuhiro Shimozato2, Masato Goto2 (1. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., 2. University of the Ryukyus)

[I-79]Continuous Investigation on the Fatigue Strength of Out-of-Plane Gusset Welded Joints under Variable Amplitude Loading in Long Life Region

*Yuki Banno1, Koji Kinoshita2 (1. Gifu university, 2. Fukuoka university)

[I-80]Fatigue strength of butt welded joints made of SUS821L1 and SM490Y

*Kentaro Kato1, Koichi Yuki1, Hironori Ishii1, Kimitoshi Nishimura2 (1. Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp., 2. Narasaki Seisakusyo Co., Ltd.)

[I-81]Study on preventive maintenance for fatigue damage of end stiffener welds

*Takuya Sugiyama1, Daisuke Uchida2, Yoshinori Yoshida3, Yusuke Kobayashi3 (1. Hosei University Graduate School, 2. Hosei University, 3. Railway Technical Research Institute)