Session Details

疲労 (3)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Atsushi Tanabe

[I-89]Study on local stress properties of replacement orthotropic steel deck connected intermmittently to existing girder (No.2)

*Nobuhiko Hayashi1, Makoto Ishikawa1, Satoshi Maeda1, Motoshi Yamauchi1, Daisuke Uchida3, Minami Ariga2 (1. Japan Bridge Association, 2. Hosei University graduate school, 3. Hosei University)

[I-90]Local stress evaluation based on effective notch stress near the transverse rib notch of the replacement orthotropic steel deck

*minami ariga1, daisuke uchida2, nobuhiko hayashi3, shiro saito3, manabu okumura3, shunichi katano3 (1. HOSEI Graduate School, 2. HOSEI University, 3. Japan Bridge Association)

[I-91]Experimental Study on Improvement of Fatigue Strength of Through Deck Crack by Base Metal Hammer Impact Peening on the Top Surface of Orthotropic Steel deck

*Yasuyuki Kurihara1, Doan Thihuyen1 (1. JFE Steel Corporation)

[I-92]Analysis of the Influence of Stop Hole Shape on Fatigue Cracking in the U-Rib to Deck Welding Joint of Steel Floor Panels

*Kazunori Nakamuta1, Shinsuke Akamatsu1, Masahiro Hirano2, Sae Fukutsuji2 (1. Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for dvanced Technology, 2. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)

[I-93]Fatigue Risk Analysis of Surrounding Parts after Temporary Repairs for Fatigue Cracks at U-rib and Transverse Rib Intersections in Steel Slabs

*Yu Nakamoto1, Shinsuke Akamatsu1, Masahiro Hirano2, Sae Fukutsuji2 (1. Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for Advanced Technology, 2. Hanshin Expressway Co.Ltd.)

[I-94]Study on stress reduction and fatigue life by cutting treating of semicircle vertical stiffener near the end

*Sae Fukutsuji1, Masahiro Hirano1, Hitoshi Yatsumoto1, Kazunori Nakamuta2, Shinsuke Akamatsu2 (1. Hanshin Expressway Company , 2. Hanshin Expressway Reserch Institute for Advanced Technology)

[I-95]Effect on fatigue strength improvement of vertical stiffener end in orthotropic steel deck by semi-circular notch method

*Naoki Matsumoto1, Toshiyuki Ishikawa1, Koyo Takata2, Shinsuke Akamatsu3 (1. Kansai University, 2. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, 3. Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for Advanced Technology)