Session Details

疲労 (4)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Kengo Anami

[I-96]Design of New Steel Superstructure for Large-Scale Renewal of Kireuriwari Bridge ~Fatigue Verification of High-Performance Steel Slabs~

*Kengo Mori1, Shinsuke Watanabe1, Ryo Nakata1, Hiroaki Shinti2, Isao Saiki3 (1. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, 2. MM BRIDGE CO., LTD., 3. School of Engineering, Tohoku University)

[I-97]Study of fatigue verification method based on structural characteristics of long cable-stayed bridges

*Koyo Takata1, Isa Masaaki1, Sinohara Masatsugu1, Takamori Atsuya2, Tanaka Kenta2, Miyasita Kenji2 (1. Hanshin Expressway, 2. CHODAI CO., LTD)

[I-98]Stress reduction effect of lift-up reinforcement method on vertical stiffener fatigue cracks of steel deck girders(Part 1)(Loading test using a loaded vehicle on an actual bridge)

*Hideya Hasegawa1, Hiroki Suetsugu1, Shunsuke Cho2, Yasushi Nagasaka3, Atsushi Arai3, Toshio Takebuchi4 (1. Nagoya Expressway, 2. Nagoya Expressway Association, 3. Kawada Industries,Inc., 4. MK Engineering,Inc.)

[I-99]Stress reduction effect of lift-up reinforcement method on vertical stiffener fatigue cracks of steel deck girders (Part 2) (Analytical study of the difference in weld toe spacing)

*Atsushi Arai1, Yasushi Nagasaka1, Toshio Takebuchi2, Hideya Hasegawa3, Hiroki Suetsugu3, Takayoshi Yamaguchi4 (1. Kawada Industries, Inc., 2. MK Engineering,inc., 3. Nagoya Expressway, 4. Nagoya Expressway Association)

[I-100]Effectiveness of the conventional reinforcement with splice plate on Two-side against fatigue damage in the H-beam bridges with different connect position of Cross Beam

*Shinya Miyamoto1, Junichi Samizo2, Ryo Isuda2, Kentaro Matsumoto3 (1. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Co.,Ltd, 2. West Nippon Expressway Co.,Ltd, 3. YCE Corp.)

[I-101]Fatigue retrofitting by connection plate against fatigue damage at the top of vertical stiffener between main girder and cross beam in the H-beam bridges

*Haruki Matsuo1, Junichi Samizo3, Ryo Isuda3, Shinya Miyamoto2, Kentaro Matsumoto1 (1. YCE Corp., 2. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Kansai Co.,Ltd., 3. West Nippon Expressway Co.,Ltd.)

[I-102]Analytical Study on Influence of Deck Corrosion on Deck Propagation Type Cracks in Orthotropic Steel Decks

*Masafumi Hattori1 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co., Ltd.)