Session Details
疲労 (5)
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Masayuki Tai
[I-103]A consideration on factors causing local stress in the Joint between the main girder and cross girder of a steel girder bridge with four main girders
*Rei Kohara1, Ryohei Morioka1, Marisa Kawaguchi1, Mamoru Sawada1 (1. Public Works Research Institute)
[I-104]Frequency-Domain Fatigue Life Evaluation of Steel Bridges Considering Vibrational Characteristics of Traffic Loads
*Makoto Ishihara1, Yang Yaohua1, Di Su1, Tomonori Nagayama1 (1. The University of Tokyo)
[I-105]Study on Fatigue Crack Detection by Hammering with Accelerometer
*Chihiro Orito1, Toshiyuki Ishikawa1, Toru Saitou2 (1. Kansai University, 2. KFC,Ltd.)
[I-106]A fundamental study on compressive residual stress stability in HFMI-treated welded joints
*Chie Nishijima1, Taisei Tomita1, Takeshi Hanji1, Kazuo Tateishi1, Masaru Shimizu1 (1. Nagoya university)
[I-107]Fatigue Life Improvement Mechanism of Deck-through Crack in Orthotropic Steel Deck by using Developed Steel
*Doan Thi Huyen1, Yasuyuki Kurihara1, Yoshihiro Hyodo1, Takahiro Sakimoto1, Tetsuya Tagawa1, Takeshi Hanji2 (1. JFE Steel Corporation, 2. Nagoya University)
[I-108]Basic study on the thermal effects of stud welding on SFRC pavement adhesives
*Masahiro Hirano1, Hitoshi Yatsumoto1, Sae Fukutsuji1, Miki Hamano2, Takamitsu Nishishiba3 (1. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, 2. HANSHIN EXPRESSWAY ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED., 3. Naigai-Kozo Company Limited)
[I-109]Numerical Study on Fatigue Damage of Steel I-Girder Focusing on Pavement Condition Effect on Vehicle-Bridge Interaction
*Ryoya Miyazaki1, Dionysius Manly Siringoringo1, Hiroshi Tamura1, Kensho Hirao1, Hiroshi Katsuchi1, Jiaqi Wang1 (1. Yokohama Natinal University)