Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Takashi Kosaka

[I-110]Current status report 20 years after floor slab replacement and regarding erected precast RC floor slabs

*Yu Koyama1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[I-111]Construction results of tension work and PC grout work that contributed to shortening the process of UHPFRC deck slabs replacement work

*Masaru Fujishiro1, Kimio Saito1, Hajime Aoi2, Kenta Morioka2, Tomoaki Hasegawa2 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION, 2. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)

[I-112]Study on the structure of longitudinal joints of UFC deck slabs considering workability

*Toshimichi Ichinomiya1, Yusuke Nagai1, Sota Sasawaki2, Kanta Morioka2, Tomoaki Hasegawa2 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)

[I-113]Study on joining method of precast deck slab using resin bearing plate

*Hiroo Kudo1, Tadahiro Sato1, Toshimichi Ichinomiya1, Syuuji Yanai1, Yuusuke Nagai1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[I-114]Countermeasures against Unevenness and Weight Reduction of Temporary Plate-Type Joint Structure for Width-Dividing Construction of Slab Replacement Work

*Takahiro Arai1, Yusuke Nagai1, Toshimichi Ichinomiya1, Takayuki Sogawa1, Hiroyuki Yamanaka1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[I-115]Design report of the deck replacement work using the divided method into three in the width direction ~ Kyushu Expressway Homangawa Bridge ~

*Shohei Kajiwara1, Junji Ono2, Kazuki Matsubara2, Tomohiro Hayakawa1, Daisuke Horio1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[I-116]Stress relief measures for steel girders using temporary deck slabs during replacement deck slab on composite girder bridges

*Yusuke Umeda1, Takafumi Nakada1, Kazunori Tamada1 (1. Obayashi Corporation)