Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Taichi Tebakari

[II-01]Basic study on a new method of observing precipitation particles using an all-weather drone

*Shinya Mabuchi1, Kazuhiro Yoshimi1 (1. Toyama Prefectual University)

[II-02]Classification and Appearance Characteristics of Atmospheric Fronts Depicted on Surface Weather Maps based on Time Scale

*Maki Miyamoto1, Tomohito Yamada2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 2. Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University)

[II-03]Influence of fronts and topography on line-shaped rainbands in Japan

*Daichi Kambe1, Yuta Ohya2, Maki Miyamoto1, Tomohito Yamada1 (1. Hokkaido University, 2. Hokkaido Research Organization)

[II-04]Future changes in senjo-kousuitai associated with changes in the thermal environmental field due to climate change for the August 2022 Tohoku region torrential rainfall event.

*Ryotaro Tahara1, Yusuke Hiraga1, So Kazama1 (1. Department of Civil Engineering, Tohoku University)

[II-05]Fundamental research on heavy rainfall control in the line shaped convective system by introducing Offshore Curtain

*Shoma Nishimura1, Kosei Yamaguchi1, Eiichi Nakakita1 (1. Kyoto University)

[II-06]A Study on the Control Method of Heavy Rainfall by Seeding Operation Focusing on Updrafts and Its Mitigation Effect

*Ryosuke Sano1, Yoshiharu Suzuki2, Koji Nishiyama3, Kazuyoshi Soma4 (1. Graduate School of HOSEI University, 2. HOSEI University, 3. Graduate School of KYUSHU University, 4. Graduate School of YAMANASHI University)

[II-07]A Study on the Suppression Effect of Heavy Rainfall by Ice Crystal Seeding Based on Numerical Experiments Using SCALE-RM

*Shinsuke Nozaki1, Yoshiharu Suzuki2, Koji Nishiyama3, Kazuyoshi Souma4 (1. Graduate School of HOSEI University, 2. HOSEI University, 3. Graduate School of KYUSYU University, 4. Graduate School of YAMANASHI University)