Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Yutaka Ichikawa

[II-92]Analysis of the Characteristics and Interannual Variability of Discharge during the Snowmelt Season in the Kushiro River Basin

*Sadafumi Hasegawa1, Maki Miyamoto1, Tomohito Yamada1 (1. Hokkaido University)

[II-93]Prediction of Ishite River Dam water storage rate using deep learning

*Yoshinobu Sato1 (1. Ehime University)

[II-94]A Study on Future Prediction of Water Level of Water Source Pumping Wells in Pressurized Aquifer by Machine Learning

*Mio Onishi1, Harushige Kusumi2, Yeboon Yun2 (1. OYO Corporation , 2. Kansai University)

[II-95]Future Prediction of Water Level of Covered Observation Wells with Multiple Crowded Pumping Wells in the Fushimi Area Using Machine Learning

*Masaaki MORIYA1, Yeboon YUN2, Harushige KUSUMI2 (1. Kansai University Graduate School, 2. Kansai University)

[II-96]Numerical experiments on groundwater level estimation using multiple borehole columnar data as ensemble parameters

*Koyo Harada1, Takuya Matsuura2, Taichi Tebakari1 (1. Chuo University, 2. Yamanashi University)

[II-97]Estimation of the proportion of river water volume from the Tone River and Arakawa River systems in the Tama River

*YASUO SHIMIZU Shimizu1 (1. Nihon Suido Consultants Co.,Ltd.)

[II-98]Data Quality Assessment of Groundwater Investigation in the Saga Lowland

*Ryuki Yamashita2, Yuichiro Mishima1, Takenori Hino1, Ryota Nakao3 (1. Saga University, 2. Saga University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, 3. Saga University Faculty of Science and Engineering)