Session Details
斜面 (3)
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Keita Abe
[III-98]Using rock bolt/rope net slope stabilization method Applicability to steep slopes
*Yurika Yasui2,1 (1. Kansai University, 2. Chuden Engineering Consults)
[III-99]Determining the collapse behavior of ground anchor reinforced slopes during earthquakes
*Satoshi Kato1, Masahiro Shinoda1, Yoshihisa Miyata1 (1. National Defense Academy)
[III-100]The Effects of BIM/CIM Utilization in Slope Stabilization (Ground Anchor) Works
*Shota Yoshida1, Mimu Arakami1, Makoto Takeuchi2 (1. Daisho Co., Ltd., 2. Shiga Construction Technology Center)
[III-101]Implementation of DX in Construction Management of Slope Countermeasures Using Construction Record Video
*Makoto Takeuchi1, Narumi Soga2, Kazuki Kanayama2, Tomoko Katsurada3, Michio Takahashi4, Masamichi Mori5, Jiro Kunimoto6, Nobuyuki Torii7 (1. Shiga Construction Technology Center, 2. Shiga Prefecture, 3. AZMER Co., Ltd., 4. Daisho Co., Ltd., 5. Norimen Protect Co., Ltd., 6. FUTABA Co., Ltd., 7. Kobe City College of Technology)
[III-102]Example of evaluation of slope surface with decrease of the residual load of ground anchor on expressway
*Nakamoto Masaki1, Masahiro Kaneko1 (1. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Chugoku Co.,Ltd)
[III-103]Example of Repair and Regeneration Method to Existing Anchor Load Cell by Attaching Strain Gauges
*Mitsuru Yamazaki1, Masahide Araie1, Hironori Okado1, Shinya Ueno2, Takumitsu Mineo3, Kenji Hikawa3, Yukihide Arimoto4 (1. Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Co., Ltd., 2. Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., 3. Toyoko Elmes Co., Ltd., 4. West Nippon Expressway Engineering Chugoku Co., Ltd.)
[III-104]Investigation of the corrosion status of ground anchor exposed specimens under acidic soils after 20 years
*Yuko Matsuo1, Tsutomu Takyu1, Daisuke Kubozuka2, Satoshi Tanaka2 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,, 2. NIITOC Co.,Ltd.)