Session Details

試験法・調査法 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Hiroyasu Ishii

[III-127]Basic experiments on Ground Penetrating Radar
-Correlation between electromagnetic wave velocity and ground water content ratio-

*Shigehiro Nomura1, Naoto Yoshino2, Takehiro Kanii2 (1. Tanaka Geological Corporation, 2. TODA Corporation)

[III-128]Development of exploration ahead of tunnel face using Low-frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (Part 1) - Verification of the Validity of Experimental Result -

*Naoto Yoshino1, Takehiro Kanii1, Shigehiro Nomura2 (1. Toda Corporation, 2. Tanaka Geological Corporation)

[III-129]Development of exploration ahead of tunnel face using Low-frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (Part 2) - Study of evaluation methods considering the influence of water –

*Takehiro Kanii1, Naoto Yoshino1, Nomura Shigehiro2 (1. TODA Corporation, 2. TANAKA Geological Corporation)

[III-130]Surface wave exploration and validation of underground monitoring with Portable Active Seismic Source(PASS)

*Akihiro Wada1, Tomofumi Yoshida1, Seisuke Kato1, Akihisa Takahashi2, Takashi Hamajima2, Fernando Lawrens2, Takeshi Tsuji3 (1. East Japan Railway Company, 2. WAVELET, 3. Tokyo University)

[III-131]Basic test on cavity visualization technology method by survey boring

*Hiroyuki Yamamoto1, Tatsuya Shibasaki1, Ayaka Murofushi1 (1. JAPAN CONSERVATION ENGINEERS & CO., LTD.)

[III-132]Additional evaluation of the dam quarry using two-dimensional electric resistivity prospecting

*Masahito Yamagami1, Yasuhiro Ikami1, Kazunori Murata2, Yuji Takeuchi3, Naruki Souma3 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. Suncoh Consultants, Co., Ltd, 3. Japan Water Agency)

[III-133]Data fusion of geotechnical and geophysical data using bayesian updating

*Usho Nin1, Shinichi Nishimura1, Toshifumi Shibata1, Takayuki Shuku1 (1. Okayama University)

[III-134]Measurement of specific resistance for ground improvement using readily installable electrodes mounted on driving-pipes

*Tadafumi Fujiwara1, Hiroki Ikegami1, Toru Yajima2, Kasumi Takano2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. NC Geophysical Survey Co.,Ltd.)