Session Details

地下空洞と地下構造物 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Koichi Isobe

[III-213]Fundamental experiments on three-dimensional buried object exploration methods using seismic reflection

*Yasuyuki Hodotsuka1, Tsukasa Mizutani2 (1. Sumitomo Mitsui Construction, 2. The University of Tokyo)

[III-214]Prediction of the extent of the loosening area due to defects in buried pipes focusing on powder flow

*Chika Yoshida1, Kenichi Maeda1, Tomoya Kobashi1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[III-215]Experimental study on the influence of the difference in stiffness between structures and the ground on the seismic interaction

*Sota Morii1, Hidetoshi Nishioka1, Seiji Nishiyama2, Michinori Honda2, Atsushi Tanabe2, Yusuke Aoki2 (1. Chuo Univercity, 2. NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD)

[III-216]Stability analysis of triple tunnels in cohesive-frictional soil subjected to surcharge loading

*Kazumasa Fukuda1, Kentaro Yamamoto2, Daniel WILSON3, Andrei LYAMIN4 (1. Fukuda Gumi Co.,Ltd., 2. Oita University, 3. Aurecon Company, 4. University of Newcastle)

[III-217]Model Experiments on the progress of External Forces on the Process of Hollowing and Sinking of River and Coastal Seawalls

*Hayato Shiraishi1, KOGA NAKATSUKA1, MOTOKI YOSHI1, HIROTOSHI MORI1, HAOBO SONG1, JUMPEI OKAMOTO2, RYOKO SERA2, ITARU SEKI2, YUSUKE TAKAHASHI2 (1. Yamaguchi University Graduate School, 2. Geo Search Co., LTD)

[III-218]Experimental study on mechanical behaviors of ground improvements for heaving countermeasures

*Taketo Sato1, Takashi Ushida1, Takaki Matsumaru1, Yuki Kurakami1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)