Session Details

地下空洞と地下構造物 (3)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Hirofumi Ikemoto

[III-219]Technical examination about the extension structure of box culvert

*Hiroshi Yamato1, Shinnosuke Takaki1, Junko Kimura2, Kenta Yoshizawa2 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co., LTD., 2. Oriental Consultants Co., LTD.)

[III-220]An example of slope impact in the seismic design of BOX culverts

*Takuma Takahashi1, Wakisaka Koudai1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[III-221]A study on stress evaluation of complex-shaped underground transmission manholes

*Tomomi Watanabe1, Kenichi Anan1, Kenji Maehara2, Shigeaki Oka2, Yo Nakajima2 (1. TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER SERVICES, 2. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings)

[III-222]One consideration regarding the influence of joint damping on the sectional forces.

*Jun Sasaki1, Yasuhiro Ueno1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[III-223]Estimation of cavities and loosened areas below the groundwater table using acoustic tomography geotechnical exploration techniques

*Tomoya Kobashi1, Kenichi Maeda1, Chika Yosida1, Junichi Sakakibara2 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 2. JFE Civil Engineering)

[III-224]Effect of the subgrade spring constant used in the seismic displacement method on the cross-sectional force of a structure

*Tsuyoshi Nishi1, syoukei kaku1 (1. Construction Project Consultants,Inc.)