Session Details

工程管理 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Kenji Amano

[VI-07]Real-time Analysis using Multimodal AI for Mechanical Excavation Cycle of Mountain Tunnel

*Takafumi Yamanaka1, Daisuke Watanabe1, Keita Matsumoto2, Masayuki Haraguchi2 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. ARAYA Inc.)

[VI-08]Development of a cloud-based application for recording construction labor productivity per unit utilizing ICT

*Wataru Ishii1, Takayuki Ishii1, Yuya Chiba1, Keigo Yoshida1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[VI-09]Development and Implementation of On-site Cycle Time Management System

*Masaya Waku1, Kazumasa Higure1, Takahiro Kanemaru1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[VI-10]DT Traffic management system and construction schedule control by UAV photogrammetry

*Kazutaka Matoba1, takuya azuma1, katsutoshi wada1, yoshiyuki minamiguchi2 (1. Tokyu Construction Co., LTD., 2. ministry of land , infrastructure , transport and tourism kinki regional development)

[VI-11]shortening construction period of frame work by reviewing reinforcing bar shape

*Kojiro Takamura1 (1. maedacorporation)

[VI-12]Development of a support system for tunneling direction with a shield machine

*Haiyang Lu1, takashi iwase1, hidenori tanizaki1 (1. TEKKEN)

[VI-13]A Study on Experimental Evaluation of Radio Communication Quality for UAVs at Construction Sites that are Changing Day by Day

*Hideya So1 (1. Shonan Institute of Technology)