Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Tomoyuki Uo

[VI-43]Utilization of digital technology for construction management during construction of bridges on roads in service ~ 360° image live distribution service ~

*Naoya Fujiwara1, Masanori Nakamura1, Yuki Hagihara1, Yuichi Nakamura1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-44]Evaluation of slope soundness using state space models based on expressway inspection data

*Makoto Miyakoshi1, Nobuaki Sato1, Toshihiro Ogino2, Kouki Maruyama2 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limite, 2. Akita University)

[VI-45]Initiatives to address topographical and geological risks in shield tunnel construction

*Daiya Koizumi1, Masaya Kamimura1 (1. Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency)

[VI-46]Understanding the status of BCP formulation and verifying the risk of natural disasters for water purification facilities in Hyogo Prefecture

*Koji Uno1, Ryosuke Yamamoto2 (1. Kobe City College of Technology, 2. METAWATER)

[VI-47]Investigation of a Method for Predicting Mountain Stream Collapse Areas Using LP Point Cloud Data Based on Graph Neural Networks

*ZHUMING KOU1, TaiChi Ishikawa2, Hirofumi Hisada3, Koutaro Sasai1, Kiyoyuki Kaito1 (1. Osaka University, 2. The University of Tokyo, 3. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-48]Extraction of "priority monitoring areas" in spatial construction by CPP

*Ooba Masayoshi1, Takanori Igarashi1, Higuchi Takafumi1, Kousuke Ohba2 (1. OHBEC, 2. ohbagumi)

[VI-49]Remote on-site initiatives using Starlink to improve the efficiency of public construction supervision and inspections, etc.

*Takeshi Fukuda1, Hiroto Nomura1, Hideyasu Okamoto1, Shigetaka Sato1, Masanori Shimojima1 (1. Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering)