Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Tetsuo Amagai

[VI-78]Developed a system CIM-CRAFTthat utilizes in-hou make BIM/CIM more familiar

*Yoshiki Kasai1, Ishihama Shigetaka1, Amagai Tetsuo1 (1. Kumagaigumi)

[VI-79]Development for practical use of BIM/CIM model automatic generation tool for rebar arrangement

*Hayate Fukuyama1, Shinichiro Furusho1, Koichi Egusa2, Koji Yamada2, Yuki Yajima3, Shiori Numata3, Yuichi Takahashi4 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd., 3. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., 4. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation)

[VI-80]Issues and responses in the development process of BIM/CIM model automatic generation tool for rebar arrangement

*Rina Yoneki1, Kenta Tachibana1, Miyako Kanemitsu2, Takahiro Ito2, Tetsuya Nakayama3, Syouta Yuri3, Hiroki Wauchi4 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd., 3. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., 4. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation)

[VI-81]Study of methods for transporting materials and equipment in consideration of mountainous landscapes

*Mizuho Ishizuka1, Manabu Koubu1, Koji Higashi1, Chihiro Ootara2, Rie Tanaka3, Atsuhiko Kinoshita3 (1. Japan Conservation Engineers Co., Ltd, 2. Taisen Industry Co.,Ltd, 3. Nikko Erosion Control Office, Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

[VI-82]Regarding the division and removal of existing PC bridges that interfere with multiple pipelines

*Yosuke Takagi1 (1. TODA CORPORATION)

[VI-83]Development of 3D floor slab automatic drawing program using linear calculation results

*Shion Kimura1, Hiroaki Hata1 (1. Oriental Shiraishi Corporation)

[VI-84]The development for a system of the automatic modeling of embankment compaction responded BIM/CIM

*Jun Kobayashi1, Gennya Meno1, Kiyotaka Uchiike1 (1. Fudo Tetra Corporation)