Session Details

施工技術 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Yoshinobu Kaji

[VI-124]Results of the Monitoring Survey Over Five Years Since the Conduction of Greening Technology on the Sloping Land on Naoshima Island

*Takumi Hashimoto1, Hiroyuki Yanaga1, Naoki Horihata1, Masakazu Kitani1, Ryuichi Shimatani2, Hideo Sugimoto2, Kiyoshi Sogo2 (1. Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, 2. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[VI-125]Structural study and design of disaster control ponds on steep slopes

*Yusuke Takahashi1, Yusuke Ono1, Yuki Ikuta1 (1. SIHIMIZU CORPORATION)

[VI-126]Examples of repairs due to aging deterioration of sprayed frame work and verification of construction effects

*masayosi Takei1, takeshi simada2, yoshio shimada3 (1. raitokougyoukabuskikaisya, 2. mikunikennsetukabusikikaisya, 3. saitamakenhannoukenboseibizimusyo)

[VI-127]Field Verification Result and Analysis about Productivity Improvement of Mechanical Spraying of Spray Frame Work

*Naoki Ninohira1, Masaki Taniguchi1, Daisuke Kubozuka2, Satoshi Tanaka2 (1. obayashi corporation, 2. nittoc construction)

[VI-128]example of construction

*Nobuyoshi Minai1 (1. TODA)

[VI-129]Jacking up the top plate in the box culvert inverse winding method

*Hiroki Yoshida1, Yuni Toyoda2, Jyunichi Taketani1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. SHIBUYA WARD OFFICE)

[VI-130]Removal of overpass bridge during nighttime highway closure for 3 days

*Fumihiro Sato1, Naoya Inoue1, Shinichiro Usui1, Yuji Fujimoto2, Hisayuki Tsuboi2 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-131]Report on the Implementation of Removing Old Coatings Using the IH Type Coating Removal Method in Repainting Projects

Masayuki Sato1, Daichi Komatsu1, *Chiharu Shimomura1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)