Session Details

品質管理 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Syogo Nojima

[VI-492]Efficiency improvement in construction management using point clouds and other technologies

*Takashi Kobayashi1, Naoki Kito1, Michino Matsumoto1, Yu Akita1 (1. Central Japan Railway Company)

[VI-493]The efficient utilization of ICT for dimension assessment and progress measurement. -Repair and reinforcement of the Shinkansen overpass-

*Tatsuya Shibata1, Yosikawa Kazuto1, Sano Ryota1 (1. Central Japan Railway Company)

[VI-494]Three-dimensional analysis for temperature cracking countermeasures in a deep-depth shaft with cross-sectional changes in the side walls

*hidetomo kobayashi1, naoki watanabe1, makoto tone1, tosiki kamikoshi2, keito kakizaki2 (1. TODACORPORATION, 2. Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency)

[VI-495]Temperature cracking suppression effect of special formwork (Doka formwork) used for high bridge pier concrete construction

*kohei murata1, yohei ueta1, kentaro akahoshi1, takashi Fujii1 (1. Aoki Asunaro Construction Co.,LTD)

[VI-496]Casting of Concrete in Severe Winter Snow Area

*Nobuyuki Okada1, Taku Sugiyama1, Ryouta Takemoto1, Hideo Nakagiri2 (1. nishimatsu construction north japan regional headquarters, 2. nishimatsu construction civil design department)

[VI-497]Application of Construction Information Management (CIM) in Soil Improvement Project.

*Tomo Sakauchi1, Asato Hiroshi1, Tanaka Kazuho1 (1. TODAKENNSETU)

[VI-498]Securing the as-built form of mass concrete (shield tunnel shaft using the NOMST)

*Satoshi Nagashima1, Takayoshi Hirata1, Yuta Ushitsuka1, Takanori Omine1, Rintaro Takase1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)