Session Details

補修・補強 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:50 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:50 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
Chair: Tomohiro Shibuya

[VI-628]Detailed investigation and repair design of RCT girder bridge that has deteriorated due to salt damage

*Shingo Kasai1, Hiroaki Takamoto1, Yuichiro Ito1, ryota ushio1 (1. Kiso-Jiban Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[VI-629]Regarding the use of 3D surveying in flaking prevention measures

*Karin Horii1, Noritaka Yoshida1, Yori Mori2 (1. Nexco Engineering Niigata Company Limited, 2. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[VI-630]Application of electric corrosion protection method to deterioration of salt damage in the manhole for electric

*Tomohito Urata1, Kenji Yamane1, Masao Yamazaki1, Kensuke Sakai2 (1. TEPCO Power Grid, Incorporated, 2. Tokyo Densetsu Service Co.,Ltd)

[VI-631]Effect of mitigating corrosion by galvanic anode materials installed on salt-damaged pre-tensioned PC

*Tomoyuki Sakamoto1, Toshiyuki Aoyama2, Masahiro Nomura3, Hiroaki Kameda4, Shuzo Ura4, Saiji Fukada5 (1. Kanazawa University, 2. P.S.Mitsubishi Construction Co.,Ltd, 3. Nomura Masahiro Lab Co.,Ltd, 4. Kokudokaihatsu Center Co.,Ltd, 5. Kanazawa University)

[VI-632]Substructure of Earthquake reinforcement in the river
Earthquake reinforcement study include single-string lohse

*masao Shinoda1, takashi nishikawa2 (1. East Nippon Expressway, 2. KATAHIRA & ENGINEERS)

[VI-633]Efficiency Improvement by Using Large Formwork in Reinforced Concrete Jacketing (Seismic Reinforcement of Piers)

*Sakuya Tsumura1, Aito Kikuchi1, Ryosuke Saito1, Muneo Takagi2 (1. Okumuragumi Co., Ltd, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd)

[VI-634]A Study on Load Sharing in Bearing Replacement Work of Steel Box Girder Bridge

*Toru Kadota1, Ryosuke Uehara2, Kei Sawada3 (1. JFE Engineering Corporation, 2. JFE Civil Corporation, 3. Metropolitan Expressway Company)

[VI-635]Bridge seismic reinforcement apply temporary closure work composed of steel plate panels

*Hideto Sekine1 (1. Ibaraki Prefecture)