Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Ryosuke Saito

[V-08]Required Strength of Materials for Lunar Base Construction and Manufacturing Methods of Regolith Simulant

*Tatsuya Nukushina1, Miyu Ozaki1, Takumi Bouno2, Hironobu Akiyama2 (1. Tokuyama College, 2. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)

[V-09]Development of solidification technology for lunar regolith by vibratory pressurization

*Miyu Ozaki1, Tatsuya Nukushina1, Takumi Bouno2, Hironobu Akiyama2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Tokuyama College., 2. MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD)

[V-10]Studies on the Production of Lunar Base Construction Materials by Using Microwave and Laser (Part 2)

*Takatoshi Tajima1, Akira Shimmura1, Takashi Shirai2, Kunihiko Kato2, Masayuki Fujita3 (1. Obayashi, 2. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 3. Institute for Laser Technology)

[V-11]Effect of fine deformed polypropylene staple fibers on self-healing of cement mortar

*Naho Takeda1, Kamitsu Ryo1, Kotaro Ishii2, Motoyoshi Yamamoto2 (1. National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Akashi College, 2. Daiwabo co., Ltd.)

[V-12]A Study on Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves by Mortar with Polypropylene Pellets

*Yudai Ishikawa1, Shinichiro Takai2, Tatsuro Hayashi3, Shunsaku Yorita1, Tomoji Kumano4 (1. Setsunan University Graduate School, 2. Muramoto Co., Ltd, 3. Nara Prefecture Regional Industrial Development, 4. Setsunan University)

[V-13]Study for Application to Concrete Works of a New Method to Prevent Rainwater Penetrations by Spraying the Sodium Alginate Solution

*Kuniaki Sakurai1, Yu Isaji1, Yoshiaki Uegaki1, Yuta Inoue1, Nobuaki Ago2 (1. obayashi corporation, 2. pozzolith solutions)