Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Yuta Yamada

[V-105]Estimation of fiber orientation in UFC slab by flow analysis using VOF method

*Junichi Okunishi1, Hiroshi Inaguma1, Yoshiki Uehara2, Yuichi Uchida3, Minoru Kunieda3 (1. JR Central Consultants Company, 2. Research Center of Computational Mechanics, Inc., 3. Gifu University)

[V-106]UFC pump and fill method to precast panel joining on deck slab replacement work

*Nodoka Harayama1, Takahiro Kanemaru1, Naohiro Watanabe1, Takayuki Iwaki1, Kazunori Tamada1, Takashi Kawanishi1, Hideki Hanabusa2 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[V-107]Effect of restrictive UFC shear behavior with confinements

*Yuya Tsuji1, Chikako Fujiyama2, Kefiyalew Zerfu2, Shuhei Kobayashi1 (1. Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, 2. Associate Prof., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Yokohama National University)

[V-108]Fatigue resistance of 130mm thickness of flat plate type with UFC deck slab

*Tadaomi Takeyama1, Osamu Hashimoto1, Hiroshi Murata1, Kunihiro Oshima1 (1. Taisei CORPORATION)

[V-109]Study on Effect of Casting Direction on Bending Properties and Tensile Properties of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite(HPFRCC)

*Shohei Yamamoto1, Kazunari Sasaki1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[V-110]Evaluation of basic properties and bond strength of strain-hardening cementitious composites with the addition of superabsorbent polymers

*Hideto Kanda, Keita Suzuki, Yao Liam, Taichi Nakamura1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[V-111]Study on Bending Fatigue Properties of HPFRCC

*Tatsuya Fukuyama1, Miita Kitayama1, Hisao Tunokake1, Syohei Yamamoto2, Kazunari Sasaki2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan Graduate School, 2. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[V-112]Structural Performance of Strut Bottom Joint Structure in Road Widening Construction of Sugitanigawa bridge up line of Shin-Meishin Expressway

*Shunsuke Kita3, Masato Fukuda1, Kazuki Ida1, Akinori Hirose2, Eiji Isobe2, Yushi Ito3, Jun Kumabe3, Toshimichi Ichinomiya3, Yuki Yokota3, Devin Gunawan3 (1. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc., 3. Kajima Corporation)