Session Details

プレキャストコンクリート (4)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Chair: Tomohiro Miki

[V-188]Precast RC beams connected with curved concrete shear keys as a temporary bridge

*Tomoki Yamashita1, Mitsuyoshi Akiyama1, Fuyume Hanaki1, Koki Aoki1, Yoshiki Uno2, Taro Hiromitsu2 (1. Waseda University, 2. Sato Kogyo Co. Ltd.)

[V-189]Experimental Study on Shear Transfer at Joint Face of Precast RC Beam Concrete with Steel Bar Shear Key

*Yugo Nishio1, Hiroaki Mikura1, Atsushi Takeda1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[V-190]Study on joint structure of precast rectification wall and side wall

*Haruna Minakawa1, Yuki Yokota1, Takuya Iwamoto1, Naoki Sogabe1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)

[V-191]Wheel load running test of precast PC slabs with joints using mechanical anchoring reinforcing bar

*Koichiro Hara1, Kenji Yoshitake1, Tomohisa Ohta1, Eiichi Takashima1, Hirokazu Tanaka1, Kentaro Oda1, Takahiro Minami1, Nobuaki Yoshiura1, Shuhei Ono1 (1. Shimizu Corporation)

[V-192]Static Bending Tests of PCa slab joints using J-THIFCOM with Mechanical Anchors

*Tatsuki Waguri1, Kouki Ozaki1, Shuichi Fujikura1, Visal Thay1, Akinari Yamamoto1, Hisao Tategami2, Shunsuke Yamamoto3, Hisashi Konno4 (1. Utsunomiya University, 2. DPS Bridge Works Co.,Ltd, 3. DBS Co.,Ltd, 4. SUNBRIDGE Co.,LTD)

[V-193]Seismic Performance Verification Tests and Analytical Investigation of Hollow Columns of Precast Ramen Viaduct

*Kenjiro Honda1, Hayato Ito1, Kuntal Vikas Singh1 (1. East Japan Railway Company)

[V-194]Development of the PCa concrete arch method (NEP arch) inspired by stone arch bridges

*Masahiro Hayashi1, Yoshiaki Shiraishi1, Noriyuki Hoshida2, Hiroyuki nitta3 (1. Keikon Corporation, 2. Milcon Corporation, 3. Toei Concrete Industry Corporation)