Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:50 AM UTC
Chair: Masaharu Oosawa

[IV-72]Civil engineering in Jomon period for civil archaeology

*Yukitake Shioi1 (1. Hachinohe Institute of Technology)

[IV-73]Ancient design techniques deciphered from historical bridges

*Honoka Nakanishi1, Kazuya TAMADA1 (1. National Institute of Technology [KOSEN] Maizuru College)

[IV-74]Development of Tools using Landlog Viewer to Asisst in Memory Heritage Project

*Shogo Tanaka1, Keiko Nagamura1, Hiroto Makido1 (1. Nihon University)

[IV-75]Infrastructure tourism for railway structures on the Kamaishi Line

*Haruka Sugawara1, Yoshinori Shimura1, Yosuke Masui2 (1. JR Japan Morioka Branch Morioka Civil Engineering Equipment Technology Center, 2. JR East Japan Head Office Civil Engineering Unit)

[IV-76]Analysis of the Evaluation of Expressway Design in Civil Engineering Design Prize, JSCE

*Hironao Kozawa1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College)

[IV-77]A Study on the Visual Effect of Slits in PRC Simple Lower Girders

*Haruka Umino1, Osamu Kutomi1, Kenji Shinoda1, Kunihiro Hirayama1 (1. JR East Japan Consultants Corporation)

[IV-78]On Pedestrian Movement Based On Pavament Design in Open Space

*Tatsuki Watanabe1, Kazunari Tanaka2 (1. Department of Architectural and Urban Design, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology, 2. Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology)