Session Details

都市・地域計画 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Keiichi Kitazume

[IV-86]Development of a Store Closure Probability Prediction Model Using Digital Telephone Directories

*Kento Kokubo1, Kotaro Mizutani1, Yuki Akiyama1 (1. Tokyo City University)

[IV-87]A Study on the Mechanism of Social Capital Improvement CM and Condominium Rebuilding in Existing Urban Areas

*Hiroyuki Nakashima1 (1. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd.)

[IV-88]Proposals for flood damage control measures in consideration of solutions to problems faced by areas with concentrations of small and medium-sized factories

*Natsume Totsuka1, Gotoh Hiroshi2, Maeno Yoshihiko2 (1. nihon university graduate school, 2. nihon university)

[IV-89]Application of double seawalls with permeable bottom to tide embankments and study of their utilization measures

*Daijiro NAGASAWA1, Hiroshi GOTOH1, Hirokazu TANAKA2 (1. Nihon University, 2. N Consultants Co., Ltd.)

[IV-90]A Study on Project Requirements for Smart Communities in Reconstruction Projects
- Focus on the status of realization and continuation of project plans in the five cities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake -

*Ryota Onodera1, Tomohide Okada2, Yousuke Tajima2, Kosei Ozaki (1. Nihon University Graduate school, 2. Nihon University)

[IV-91]Development of an Evaluation Method for the Residential Environment in Housing Estates

*Yuki Yoshimura1, Hirokazu Kato1, Feifan Xu1 (1. Nagoya University Graduate School)

[IV-92]Operational Situation and Issues of MICHI-NO-EKI as Community Bases from the Perspective of Operational Companies

*Yuya Sato1 (1. National Institute of Technology, Toyota College)