Session Details

都市・地域計画 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Chair: Tetsuji Sato

[IV-93]Development of detailed household-based future demographics

*Takahiro Yoshimi1, Naoya Takeda1, Yuki Akiyama1 (1. Tokyo City University)

[IV-94]Effect of telework on women's working hours using an activity time allocation model for couple households with young children in Japanese large cities

*Moeka Itakura1, Iwakura Seiji1 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

[IV-95]Study on the Urban Characteristics focused on Duration of Residence in Tokyo

*Moeko Suzuki1, Masaharu Oosawa1 (1. Nihon University)

[IV-96]Intention of Moving Based on Residential Environmental Factors and Possibility of Compact City

*Sakine Takai1, Kunihiro Kishi2, Shin'ei Takano2 (1. School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 2. Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University)

[IV-97]Analysis of the Relationship between Land Prices and the Spatial Characteristics of the Local Population

*Kohei Uda1, Kiichiro Kumagai1 (1. Setsunan University)

[IV-98]Influence of urban function Induction facilities on net migration: An empirical study based on geographically weighted regression (GWR)

*Tomoyuki Kaneko1, Mamoru Yoshida1 (1. nagasaki University)

[IV-99]Background of the Lack of Progress in Policy-making Process of Location Normalization Plans Considering Decarbonization

*Chie Sato1, Hirokazu Kato1, Feifan Xu1 (1. Nagoya University)