Session Details

大気環境・騒音振動 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Chair: Yasunao Matsumoto

[VII-14]Study of traffic analysis system using AI using noise data

*Takuma Ikemoto1, Tatsuhashi Koji1, Moto Kentarou1, Komura Ryotaro2 (1. company limited Kokudokaihatsu center, 2. National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College)

[VII-15]Number of the axes of the sound power level-dependent examination of the elevated structure sound

*Hiroshi Itohata1, Kimikazu Ikeya1, Tkashi Okura1, Tomoyuki Itiki2, Tatuya Oota2, Akinori Fukushima2 (1. Nippon Expressway Research Institute Co., Ltd, 2. NEWS Environmental Design Inc)

[VII-16]Numerical analysis on the contribution of each member to structure-borne sound in reinforced concrete rigid-frame viaducts

*Tsutomu Watanabe1, Toki Uda1, Mariko Akutsu1, Tamiko Seino2 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute, 2. AdvanceSoft Corporation)

[VII-17]Noise reduction effect of the side wall replacements of soundproof covering on the local line.

*Kazuhiro Tsuchiya1, Hideyuki Saitou1, Ryou Kaneko1 (1. East Japan Railway Company)

[VII-18]sound insulation sheets for temporary enclosures made from recycled materials

*Shioriraniya Kikuchi1, shoubu yosihiro1 (1. Dai Nippon Construction Corporation)

[VII-19]Performance evaluation of transparent noise barrier with excellent weather resistance

*Shoji Yoshida1, Ryota Morisaki 1 (1. Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited)

[VII-20]Performance evaluation of large transparent plate using chemically strengthened laminated glass

*ryota morizaki1, shoji yoshida1 (1. Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited)