Session Details

廃棄物・資源循環 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:30 AM UTC
Chair: Kenji Shibata

[VII-39]Initiatives for resource circulation at construction sites(Part 1)
-Demonstration of the recycling of waste plate glass from construction sites-

*Yuko Hasegawa1, Kaori Mino1, Hideya Ookubo1, Yuko Sakuma1, Naoya Kobayashi2, Nagao Yoshihiro2 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION, 2. AGC Inc.)

[VII-40]Initiatives for resource circulation at construction sites(Part 2)
-Demonstration test on the recycling of safety cones discharged from construction sites-

*Kaori Mino1, Yuko Hasegawa1, Hideya Okubo1, Masashi Nishikawa2, Junki Takezawa2 (1. TAISEI Corporation, 2. Yagikuma Co.)

[VII-41]Nitiatives for resource circulation at construction sites(Part 3)
Transport experiment of remaining acrylic panels using patrol collection method

*Jun Nakahira1, Kaori Mino1, Hideya Ohkubo1 (1. Taisei Corporation)

[VII-42]Development of CO2 Fixation Technology in Liquefied Stabilized Soils of Construction Generated Soil

*Ryusuke Nakano1, Shinji Sakata2, Hiroyuki Utsu3, Manabu Kobayashi3 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. S.C.Cement Co. Ltd., 3. T.I.C. Co. Ltd.)

[VII-43]Regarding the influence of particle size on the amount of mound penetration during construction of a suction prevention layer for backfilling of a seawall

*Itsuki Suwa1, Seitaro Tsuji1, Akihiko Hirooka1, Yasuo Kasugai2, Tatsuyuki Fujimura2, Masaaki Katagiri3, Waku Oshita3 (1. Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2. Coastal Development Institute of Technology, 3. Nikken Sekkei)

[VII-44]Study on Heat Transfer Model for Thermal Imaging Remote Sensing Inspection of Waterproof Sheet Joints for Tunnel Lining

*Kohei Yoshimura1, Hirohumi Nakayama1, Takayuki Shimaoka1 (1. Kyushu University)