Session Details

廃棄物・資源循環 (3)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 6:10 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
Chair: Yoh Takahata

[VII-51]Consideration of Biogas Generation Efficiencies of a Batch Operating Dry Methane Fermentation System

*Ikumi Shioji1, Takuo Nakashima1 (1. KONOIKE CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD.)

[VII-52]Experimental study related to quantifying experience and intuition in the production of food recycling compost

*Suguru Mizutani1, Kouta Nakase1, Yasuyoshi Maeda1 (1. Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd.)

[VII-53]Preparation of geomaterials utilizing scallop shells that absorb and accumulate CO2

*Saito Noritoshi1, Kagaya Fumito1, Yu Minamida1 (1. AKITA University)

[VII-54]Adsorption of fluorine by adsorbent produced from fish bones

*Ayane Yanaka1, Naomichi Matsumoto2, Yoshihiro Suenaga2, Hidenori Yoshida2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Kagawa University, 2. Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University)

[VII-55]Improvement of Physicochemical Properties of Degraded Agricultural Soils by Recycling Construction Sludge and Contribution to SDGs

*Ayumi Morota1, Tetsuya Nozaki2, Seiji Hayao2, Hiroko Tsutiya2, Teruya Kobayashi2, Koki Nakao1, Shinya Inazumi1 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2. Nozaki Kogyo Co. Ltd)

[VII-56]Optimal heat treatment conditions according to the type of sewage sludge

*Mai Koshiishi1, Hayato Akama1, Toshimasa Hojo1 (1. Tohoku Institute of Technology)