Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Ayumu Ito

[CS12-01]Demonstration of technology to utilize classified sand derived from removed soil as a fine aggregate for concrete (Part1)

*Tatsuo Yamamoto1, Kazuya Kikawada1, Koichi Hosaka1, Yukihiro Yoshida1, Seiichi Ishinabe1, Mitsuru Tsuchida1 (1. VOREWS)

[CS12-02]Demonstration of technology to utilize classified sand derived from removed soil as a fine aggregate for concrete (Part2)

*Kazuya Kikawada1, Tatsuo Yamamoto1, Koichi Hosaka1, Yukihiro Yoshida1, Seiichi Ishinabe1, Mitsuru Tsuchida1 (1. VOREWS)

[CS12-03]Actual test of cement solidification treatment of incinerated fly ash from general waste containing radioactive cesium

*Takahiro Saitoh1, Yohei Hamaya1, Ken Arikawa1, Akira Miyata2, Yotuo Kamidozono2, Shougo Shimamura2 (1. Okumura Corporation, 2. Oyo Corporation)

[CS12-04]Effect of CaCl2 on Cs ingress into hardened cement paste

*Masato Miwa1, Nakarai Kenichiro2 (1. Hiroshima University, 2. Hiroshima University professor)

[CS12-05]Proposal for the renewable energy facility using underground storage of radioactive solid wastes by the Pneumatic Caisson method.

*Miko Homma1, Tadakatsu Suzuki1, Naoya Bando1, Hideo Komine2, Shintaro Abe2, Takeshi Tatsuhara3 (1. Oriental Shiraishi Corporation, 2. Waseda University, 3. Pacific Consultants Corporation)

[CS12-06]Issues in the Selection of Candidate Sites for Geological Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste -with direction for resolution-

*Takeshi Tatsuhara1, Satoru Harasaki1, Hideo Komine2 (1. Pacific consultants, 2. Waseda University)

[CS12-07]Consideration of measures for radioactive waste management in Vietnam and Indonesia

*Hai Thanh Tran1, Takashi Sekiguchi1 (1. TODA CORPORATION)