Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Masashi Oota

[CS12-15]Understanding the swelling mechanism of bentonite buffer materials at different degrees of saturation

*Kira Iida1, Shin-ichi Kanazawa1, Hayato Nakazima1, Osamu Yoshino2 (1. NIIGATA UNIVERSITY, 2. NISHIMATSU CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD)

[CS12-16]Equilibrium swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity of two bentonites from different localities with the same exchangeable cation composition

*Ema Yoshikawa1, Yasutaka Watanabe1, Shingo Yokoyama1, Misato Shimbashi1 (1. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

[CS12-17]Experimental Study for Temperature History Effect on Swelling Pressure of Kunigel-V1 Compacted Bentonite Cured in Confined Condition

*Kunlin Ruan1, Daichi Ito1, Hailong Wang1, Hideo Komine1 (1. Waseda University)

[CS12-18]Countermeasures for the effect of brackish water on bentonite mixed soil using screw feeders in geological disposal

*Daisuke Tsukamoto1, Takuo Mori1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[CS12-19]Evalution of moisture migration characteristics by saturation in bentonite specimens in high water pressure environments

*Kotaro Watanabe1, Daichi Ito1, Hideo Komine1, Hailong Wang1, Kunlin Ruan1, Takashi Sekiguchi2 (1. Waseda University, 2. Toda Corporation)

[CS12-20]Estimation of bentonite mixing ratio by measuring methylene blue adsorption amount using colorimetric method

*Hikaru Oguri1, Masakazu Chijimatsu1 (1. HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION)

[CS12-21]Effect of Dry Density of Bentonite on the Penetration Behaviors into Sand Voids

*Chiharu Urano1, Hideo Komine1, Hailong Wang1, Kunlin Ruan1, Daichi Ito1 (1. Waseda University)