Session Details


Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Hailong Wang

[CS12-22]Study on design process based on regulatory requirements for intermediate-depth disposal

*Taichi Esaki1, Natsumi Hiroe1, Yoshikazu Hironaka2, Manabu Inagaki3 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. RWMC, 3. TEPSCO)

[CS12-23]Investigation of mixing method of Bentonite-Sand-Gravel Mixture

*Kenji Ishii1, Ichizo Kobayashi1, Yusuke Nakajima1, Hiroshi Kobayashi1, Kunihiro Oyamada1, Yoshikatsu Yonemaru1, Masashi Ota2, Shin Tsukao2, Komei Ishiguro2 (1. Kajima Corporation, 2. Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited)

[CS12-24]Examination of Construction Quality of Bentonite-Sand-Gravel Mixture

*Yoshikatsu Yonemaru1, Ichizo Kobayashi1, Hiroshi Kobayashi1, Kunihiro Oyamada1, Kenji Ishii1, Yusuke Nakajima1, Akihiro Matsumoto1, Masashi Ota2, Shin Tsukao2, Koumei Ishiguro2 (1. KAJIMA Corporation, 2. JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL LIMITED)

[CS12-25]Construction of clay liners by block placement made the bentonite-sand mixtures Part 1 (Block permeability test)

*Isamu Norimatsu1, Mitsunobu Okihara1, Satohito Toguri1, Takanobu Sakamoto1, Mitsuo Gohke1, Kaoru Kudo1 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION)

[CS12-26]Construction of clay liners by block placement made the bentonite-sand mixtures Part 2(Block placement test)

*Takanobu Sakamoto1, Isamu Norimatsu1, Mitsunobu Okihara1, Satohito Toguri1, Mitsuo Gohke1, Kaoru Kudo1 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION)

[CS12-27]Applicable experiment of “advanced α-system” for the bentonite mixed soil (part 1) -The summary of the compaction test and measurement result by the acceleration method-

*Masayoshi KUJI1, Takeshi ISHIGURO1, Kazuto FUKUDA1, Masafumi HIRATA1, Takafumi IWATANI1, Yoshinori NIHEI1 (1. Maeda corporation)

[CS12-28]Applicable experiment of “advanced α-system” for the bentonite mixed soil (part 2) -Measurement result by a laser scanner and the automatic scattering type RI meter-

*Kazuto Fukuda1, Takeshi ISHIGURO1, Masafumi HIRATA1, Masayoshi KUJI1, Takafumi IWATANI1, Yoshisuke NIHEI1 (1. Maeda Corporation)