Session Details

新設および大規模改修時における橋梁計画 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Sayuri Kitaichi

[CS3-08]Fatigue Behavior of Real Scall Steel Girder Specimen with Skew Angle 30 deg.

*masahiro Sakano1, Toshiyuki Ishikawa2, Hideyuki Konishi3, Tetsuya Kanou3, Yoshirou Saji4 (1. Hashi-mori Support Center, 2. Kansai University, 3. Kyouryou Kensetsu Kyoukai, 4. Kinnki Chihou Seibikyoku)

[CS3-09]Survey Road Bridges with Low Angle Skew

*Hideyuki Konishi1, Osamu Kawakami2, Akinori Hirose3, Kiyohide Origuchi4, Yoshirou Saji5, Sakano Masahiro6 (1. Japan Bridge Association, 2. Sakai Construction Co.,LTD, 3. The Japan Civil engineering Consultants Association, 4. Japan Bridge Engineering Center, 5. Ministry of Land.Infrastructure, Transport and Tourizm Kinki Regional Development Bureau, 6. Hashimori Support Center)

[CS3-10]Stress measurement and non-destructive testing of lateral bracing gusset welding joints in a continuous composite girder bridge

*Luiza Hiroko Ichinose1, Shuji Takahashi2, Toshiyuki Ishikawa3, Masahiro Sakano4 (1. Japan Industrial Testing Corporation, 2. Hyougo Office of National Highway, 3. Kansai University, 4. Hashimori Support Center)

[CS3-11]Application test of the peeling method in steel bridge inspection and damege investigation

*Akinori Hirose1, Kinji Matsukawa2, Tomoaki Kimura3, Toshihiko Mori4, Masahiro Sakano5 (1. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants, 2. Sendai Concrete Test Center, 3. Daishin Chemical, 4. Kinki Regional Development Bureau, 5. Hashi-mori Support Center)

[CS3-12]Hanwa Expressway floor slab replacement test work using temporary steel deck due to nighttime traffic closure regulations

*Tomoki Iwai1, Hitoshi Nakaoka1, Seiya Yamanaka2, Yuji Murai2 (1. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. JFE Engineering Corporation)

[CS3-13]Performance confirmation of temporary steel deck by rubber tire wheel load tests

Tomoki Iwai1, Hitoshi Nakaoka1, Seiya Yamanaka2, *Yuji Murai2 (1. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited, 2. JFE Engineering Corporation)

[CS3-14]Slip strength test of clip joints on temporary steel deck

Tomoki Iwai2, Hitoshi Nakaoka2, *Seiya Yamanaka1, Yuji Murai1 (1. JFE Engineering Corporation, 2. West Nippon Expressway Company Limited)