Session Details

地盤震動 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Akira Murata

[CS10-52]Estimation of traffic volume measurement using DAS vibration data

*Rintaro Fujiwara1, Yasuko Kuwata1, Hiroyuki Goto2, Masatoshi Miyazawa2 (1. Kobe University, 2. Kyoto University, DPRI)

[CS10-53]Attempt to Evaluate Ground Seismic Characteristics Using Microtremor Observations and Fibre-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing

*Keigo Kimura1, Hiroyuki Goto1, Masatoshi Miyazawa1 (1. Kyoto University)

[CS10-54]Relationship between microtremor characteristics of lowlands and plateaus around the Kanda River and the seismic intensity of the Kanto Earthquake(Sep. 1, 1923)

*Takashi Ando1, Katsuaki Konno2, Shingo Morimoto3, Yusei Oyama4 (1. Graduate School of Shibaura Institute Of Technology, 2. Shibaura Institute Of Technology, 3. Prefectural Office of MIYAGI, 4. Hazkarikogyo Co.)

[CS10-55]Comparison of Estimated Acceleration by Overturning of Tombstone and Microtremors Observation
-Examination of the Senboku Plain-

*Tsutomu Ochiai1, Takahisa Enomoto1, Michio Miyano2, Eisuke Ikuta2, Yoshiya Oda3 (1. Kanagawa university, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University, 3. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[CS10-56]Site amplification factors at Wajima and Iida port based on aftershock observation of the 2024 Noto earthquake

*Yosuke Nagasaka1, Atsushi Nozu1 (1. Port and Airport Research Institute)

[CS10-57]Analysis of microtremor characteristics around wind turbines located on the coast

*Yoshinori Sanada1, Shuntaro Miyanaga1 (1. TAISEI Corporation)

[CS10-58]Trial of Microtremor Measurement in a River Levee with Damage History due to Liquefaction

*Yuta Miura1, Masahide Otsubo1, Shunsuke Tanimoto1, Tetsuya Sasaki1 (1. Public Works Research Institute)

[CS10-59]Estimation of subsurface structure of landslide area using microtremor survey and seismic observation data in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan

*Tatsuya Noguchi1, Narimichi Toshida1, Takao Kagawa1, Masanori Kohno1 (1. Tottori University)