Session Details
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Yuki Yamakuri
[CS10-68]On effects of deformation behavior of ground on pile response
*Takehiro Kuroda1 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION)
[CS10-69]Study on the effect of reducing sectional force of piles in high pressure gas facilities using groundwater level lowering method as a liquifaction countermeasure
*Hiroyuki kimata1, Kenji Oyamada1, Kazuhiro Nagura1, Shigeru Takahashi1, Takashi Ohno1, Kazuhiro Hatayama1, Yutaka Fujita2, Kiyoshi Fukutake2 (1. The High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan, 2. Shimizu Corporation)
[CS10-70]Variation of Stiffness and Natural Frequencies of a Precast Concrete Pile under Bending Loads
*Masataka Nakamura1, Toshiaki Arai2 (1. Nihon university, 2. Nishimatsu Construction)
[CS10-71]Fundamental study for effective extraction of ground property influencing seismic behavior of bridge and viaduct with pile foundation
*Yuto Kawasaki1, Akira Suzuki1, Kazunori Wada2, Kimitoshi Sakai2 (1. Integrated Geotechnology Institute Limited, 2. Railway Technical Research Institute)
[CS10-72]Combination of Seismic Actions in Seismic Deformation Method
Considering Nonlinearization of Structure
*Niki Tanaka1, Kimitoshi Sakai1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)
[CS10-73]On the verification of analytical method considering frequency-dependency and intensity-dependency of horizontal impedance functions of soil-pile systems
*Masato Saito1, Chandra Goit1 (1. Saitama University)
[CS10-74]A Case Study of Seismic Deformation Method Using Displacement Calculation Formula for Multi-Layered Ground
*Shun Saito1, Aki Mitsuoka1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)