Session Details

データ連携とプロセス改革 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Junichi Kohara

[CS17-01]Mutual use of 3D tools for construction management through collaboration between contractor and client in bridge superstructure construction

*Masanori Nakamura1, Yuki Hagihara1, Naoya Fujiwara1, Satoshi Furusawa1, Katsuhiko Hirano1 (1. East Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[CS17-02]Reinforcement DX Initiatives that Link Information from 3D Reinforcement Model to Rebar Processing

*Masato Ishiguro1, Kousuke Shibuya1, Munehiro Maeda1, Risa Niikura1, Mari Shimada2, Koji Ando2 (1. KAJIMA CORPORATION, 2. Vector Japan Inc.)

[CS17-03]Accuracy evaluation using rebar in columns and beams for reinforcement inspection using 3D data

*Takashi Nakano1, Masaaki Uesaka1, Hiroya Eto1 (1. DataLabs, Inc.)

[CS17-04]Example of applying a digital form system to promote construction DX

*noriaki yokota1 (1. obayashi corporation)

[CS17-05]Utilization of Digital Twin Systems in Rapid Deployment on Major Intersections

*Kouhei Suke1, dai sagou1, kazushi Tsukamoto1 (1. TAKADAKIKO Co.,LTD)

[CS17-06]Report on the Examination of Coporative area during the Construction Execution Phase

*Satoshi Yamanaka1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[CS17-07]Initiatives related to the use of ICT in chemical injection work

*Junki Hirano1, Koji Nishikawa1, Hisatsugu Itou1 (1. MAEDA CORPORATION)