Session Details

維持管理 (10)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Tomomi Yagi

[I-279]Effect of the Condition of Steel Deck Bearing on the Structural Safety of Long-Span Suspension Bridges

*Yasuaki Kaneda1 (1. Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Co.,Ltd.)

[I-280]Comparison of Rust Appearance Evaluation of Weathering Steel Bridges in Miyazaki Prefecture with About 20 Years Ago

*Takafumi Kiyose1, Chihiro Morita2, Eitaro Horisawa2, Kentaro Yasui3 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, University of Miyazaki, 2. Miyazaki University, 3. National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College)

[I-281]Basic investigation towards detection of bridge loose bearing based on on-board measured track geometries

*Koji Hattori1, Matsuoka Kodai1, Tanaka Hirofumi1 (1. Railway Technical Research Institute)

[I-282]Study on the effect of temperature cahnge on the natural frequency of the whole of Hakucho-Ohashi Bridge

*Yuichiro Awaji1, Masato Komuro1, Tomoki Kawarai1, Norimitsu Kishi1, Satoru Kobayashi2, Toshiyuki Kataoka2 (1. Muroran Institute of Tecnology, 2. Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau)

[I-283]Study on Control Method of Salt Deposition on Steel Girders at the Time of Repainting

*Runa Kawajiri1, Masahiro Kozuka1, Kaori Sakai1, Yoshiki Ishikawa2 (1. Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Company Limited, 2. Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited)

[I-284]Basic Study to Facters Determining the Size of Rust Particles

*ISAMU KANO1, Chihiro Morita3, Hiromichi Yasunami2, Kazutoshi Nakashima2 (1. Kano Bridge Engineering Consulting, 2. Public Works Research Center, 3. Miyazaki University)

[I-285]Improvement of load carrying capacity of defective base plate repaired with patch plates by devising of drilling size and bolt arrangement.

*Kuto Hishida1, Toshiyuki Ishikawa1, Syogo Kiyokawa2, Wataru Nakatuji2, Hironori Ishii3 (1. Kaisai University, 2. Yokogawa Bridge Corp, 3. Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp)