Session Details

疲労 (6)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Takanori Kadota

[I-286]Effects of ICR treatment on fatigue crack in in-plane gusset welded joint

*Shota Ishii1, Toshiyuki Ishikawa1 (1. Kasnai University)

[I-287]Prediction of Fatigue Life of Out-of-plane Gusset Welded Joints with AFD Steel

*Koichi Kondo1, Kazuo Tateishi1, Takeshi Hanji1, Masaru Shimizu1, Doan Thi Huyen2 (1. Nagoya University, 2. JFE Steel Corporation)

[I-288]A study on the detection of fatigue cracks at welded joints of sole plates

*Kwangeun Ma1, Ishikawa Toshiyuki1, Niwa Yuuichirou2, Yanaguchi Makoto2 (1. KANSAI University, 2. West Japan Railway Company)

[I-289]Reduction of Stress Concentration at Stop-hole for Fatigue Crack in Trough Girder Bridges

*Miki Shibata1, Takeshi Hanji1, Kazuo Tateishi1, Masaru Shimizu1, Makoto Yamaguchi2, Yuichiro Niwa2 (1. Nagoya University, 2. West Japan Railway Company)

[I-290]Examination of the notch shape at the top of vertical stiffeners in orthotropic steel deck with superior fatigue improvement effects

*Masaru Shimizu1, Kazuo Tateishi1, Takeshi Hanji1, Hideya Hasegawa2, Hiroki Suetsugu2 (1. Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, Nagoya University, 2. Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation)

[I-291]Preventive maintenance measures against root cracks at welded joints of sole plates of steel bridges

*Yuichiro Niwa1, Fujihiko Yamada2, Kazuo Tateishi3, Takeshi Hanji3, Masaru Shimizu3 (1. West Japan Railway Company, 2. Kyobashi Bridge, 3. Nagoya University)

[I-292]Analytical Study on the Relationship between Local Stress and Deformation Behavior at Fatigue Occurrence Area of H-beam Steel Girder Bridge

*Sohei Yoshikawa1, Jun Murakoshi1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)