Session Details

耐風・風工学 (1)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:20 AM UTC
Chair: Seiji Nakato

[I-320]Proposal for Design Formula of L-Type Flange Connections with Two Bolt Lines in Offshore Wind Turbines

*Tsuyoshi Kouta1, Shunta Yanagisawa1, Kohei Nishiyama1, Koji Sumida1 (1. Shimizu Corporation)

[I-321]Study on the Impact of Bolt Arrangement on the Strength of L-Type Flange Bolted Connections in Offshore Wind Turbines

*Shunta Yanagisawa1, Tsuyoshi Kouta1, Nishiyama Kohei1, Sumida Koji1 (1. SHIMIZU CORPORATION)

[I-322]A study of soil degradation parameter of a monopile foundation subjected to cyclic horizontal loads

*Shunsuke Nakamura1, Yosuke Matsumoto1, Ikuhiro Kai2, Yoshihisa Iida2, Takeshi Ishihara3 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd, 2. TEPCO Renewable Power, Incorporated, 3. The Univercity of Tokyo)

[I-323]A study on damping evaluation of monopile foundations and its validation by vibration test of steel pipe piles

*Yosuke Matsumoto1, Shunsuke NAKAMURA 1, KAI Ikuhiro2, Yoshihisa IIDA2, Takeshi ISHIHARA3 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd, 2. TEPCO Renewable Power, Incorporated, 3. The Univercity of Tokyo)

[I-324]Evaluation of Seismic Load of Offshore Wind Turbines with Monopile Foundation. - Part 1: Application of Thin-Layer Method -

*Yuho Kawamoto1, Yasuo Nitta1, Yuki Furushima1, Takeshi Ishihara2 (1. Shimizu Corpration, 2. The Univercity of Tokyo)

[I-325]Evaluation of Seismic Load of Offshore Wind Turbines with Monopile Foundation. - Part 2: A Study on Various Soil Spring Effects-

*Yasuo Nitta1, Yuho Kawamoto1, Yuki Furushima1, Takeshi Ishihara2 (1. Shimizu Corporation, 2. Tokyo University)

[I-326]Proposal of Formulae for Calculating Soil Moduli and Interface Strength Reduction Factor for Monotonic Loading Analysis of Monopile Foundation in Sand and Its Verification by Experiments

*Yayoi Ishii Ishii1, Kenji Shimada1, Takeshi Ishihara2 (1. Shimizu Corporation, 2. The University of Tokyo)