Session Details

耐風・風工学 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Kichiro Kimura

[I-327]Seismic acceleration measurements on a monopile supported wind turbine

*Jun Tanemoto1, Kenji Shimada1, Hirokazu Sugiyama1 (1. Shimizu Corporation)

[I-328]Modelling of vertical profiles of sub-surface and near-surface currents and its validation

*Masato Fukushima1, Takeshi Ishihara1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[I-329]Reduction of Floater Motion and Wind Turbine Load of Spar Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System by Using Wind Turbine Control

*Keita Homma1, Yuka Kikuchi1, Takeshi Ishihara1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[I-330]Numerical prediction of hydrodynamic force for a spar type platform

*Takumi Wakahara1, Yuka Kikuchi1, Takeshi Ishihara1 (1. The Univercity of Tokyo)

[I-331]Effect of vertical profile of approching wind on wind load of tower-like structure

*Seiji Nakato1 (1. Kanto-gakuin University)

[I-332]Effect of rotor rotation on wind loads on supporting structures

*Ichiro Shinohara1, Seiji Nakato1 (1. Kanto-gakuin University)

[I-333]A Study on Relationship between Sea Wind Characteristics and Electric Power Demand in Tokyo Electric Power Service Area

*Tetsuya Kitagawa1 (1. Hosei University)