Session Details

耐風・風工学 (4)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Hidekazu Ishii

[I-341]Study of the Effects of handrals on Vertical Vortex-induced Vibration in a Symmetrical Cross Section

*Daisuke Hatano1 (1. Kyoto University Graduate school)


*Mizuki Shintsu1, Kengo Yoshida1, Kichiro Kimura1, Haeyoung Kim2 (1. Tokyo University of Science, 2. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan)

[I-343]Study on the applicability of quasi-stationary theory in the galloping instability of two proximal circular columns

*Ikuto Murota1, Hisato Matsumiya1, Kyohei Noguchi1, Riki Katayama1, Tomomi Yagi1, Shin Sakurai2, Shunsuke Shibata3, Shinji Ishikawa3, Masahiro Ida3, Naohiro Soda4, Mikio Shimizu4 (1. Kyoto University, 2. NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE EAST CORPORATION, 3. NTT FIELDTECHNO CORPORATION, 4. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

[I-344]Characteristics of Drag Force on Indented Cables at High Wind Speed

*Hiroshi Hasebe1, Touki Morita1, Takashi Yajima2 (1. Nihon University, 2. Tokyo Rope MFG.CO.,LTD)

[I-345]Investigation on the mechanism of the aerodynamics-force reduction of cable-stayed bridge cables by surface modifications

*Kazuki Okuda1, Hiroshi Katsuchi1, Jiaqi Wang1, Hiroshi Tamura1, Kensho Hirao1 (1. Yokohama National University)

[I-346]Effect of spacing ratio on the flutter characteristics of multiple flat plates placed in a wake

*Nozomi Suzuki1, Hiroshi Hasebe1 (1. Nihon University)

[I-347]Study of snow accretion rate evaluation method according to snow particle velocity and collision angle in low-temperature wind tunnel

*Kentaro Haruna1, Hisato Matsumiya1, Kyohei Noguchi1, Hayata Omori1, Chiho Kajiyama1, Tomomi Yagi1, Kengo Sato2, Kazuma Togashi2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. National Reseach Institute forEarth Science and Disaster Resilience)