Session Details

衝撃 (3)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:20 AM UTC
Chair: Hiroyoshi Ichino

[I-400]Impact loading tests of conventional rockfall protection fences with reduced cross-sectional posts

*Takuro Nakamura1, Fumio Yamasawa1, Osamu Hatakeyama1, Masato Komuro2, Tomoki Kawarai2, Norimitsu Kishi2 (1. Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, 2. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[I-401]Impact loading tests on the absorbing effects of Porosity-Free Fiber Reinfroced Concrete (PFFRC) panels

*Yuji Ushiwatari1, Masato Komuro1, Ryo Kishira2, Norimitsu Kishi1, Tomoki Kawarai1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology, 2. TAIHEIYO CEMENT CORPORATION)

[I-402]Impact resistance behavior on RC beams strengthened in flexure with high elasticity CFRP sheet

*Yasuyoshi Nagai1, Tomoki Kawarai1, Masato Komuro1, Norimitsu Kishi1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[I-403]Impact-resistant behavior on RC beams strengthened in flexure with AFRP sheet having girder height of 350 mm under dropping-weight impact loading

*Tomoki Kawarai1, Masato Komuro1, Norimitsu Kishi1, Yasuyoshi Nagai1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[I-404]Impact loading tests on failure mode of RC beams strengthened with AFRP sheets using cushion rubber at loading points

*Kentaro Suzuki1, Tomoki Kawarai2, Yasuyoshi Nagai2, Masato Komuro2, Norimitsu Kishi2 (1. Koken Engineering Co., Ltd., 2. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[I-405]Effects of differences in debris flow tip shape on debris flow load in a straight channel with a movable bed

*Kazuki Saito1, Toshiyuki Horiguchi1 (1. National Defense Academy)