Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Takeyoshi Chibana

[II-126]A Study on the Effect of Differences in Major Tree Species on Function of Flood Reduction in Forest by Flood Reduction Assessment indicators

*Yoshinobu Shiraga1, Takao Tamura1, Yasunori Muto1 (1. Tokushima University)

[II-127]Fundamental Study on Seasonal Variation of Storage Capacity and Runoff Coefficient in Rice Paddy Field

*Tetsuta Watanabe1, Yuichi Kayaba1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[II-128]study on water level fluctuations during the farming period of paddy field dams

*Masashige Tayasu1, Kyouta Sakai2, Hiroaki Nishihata3, Yasumasa Hayashi3 (1. National Institute of Technology,Fukui College Department ofCivil Engineering, 2. National Institute of Technology,Fukui College Curriculum of Environment System Engineering Course, 3. Industrial Technology Center of Fukui Prefecture)

[II-129]Quantitative assessment of paddy field dam effects in urban areas with paddy fields in the upstream area

*hidetoshi Miyata1, Syuuichi Kure2 (1. University of Toyama Prefectue Graduate School, 2. University of Toyama Prefecture)

[II-130]~ The Hybrid Regulation Pond by Rivers and Sewers Cooperation ~ Proposal for Saitama Prefecture Version River Basin Management

*Yuta Kikuchi1, Shinichi Hasebe1, Takashi Suzuki1 (1. Flood Control Office)

[II-131]Relying on pump drainage in flood-prone areas Regarding inland water countermeasures and the influence of high water level hours in rivers

*Kazunori Hibiya1, shinichi hasebe1, noriyuki takayama1, takayuki hemmi1 (1. Flood Control Office)

[II-132]Estimation and analysis of the number of visitors to the river waterfront space

*Kazuya Ito1, Yusuke Hiraga1, So Kazama1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)

[II-133]Follow-up and expansion survey using electrical conductivity as an indicator in the Kasumigaura inflow river and Sakuragawa river basin, which is under an advanced water circulation mechanism

*Shimpei Yoshikawa1, Chiharu Yoshikawa2, Sachiko oda1, Masaaki Miyashiro1 (1. Jiyu Gakuen College, 2. Hokutoji Temple)