Session Details

水災害・防災 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 5:40 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Chair: Masayuki Hitokoto

[II-142]Clarification of the Actual Conditions of Flood Inundation in the Ichinomiya River Basin, Chiba Prefecture, Caused by Typhoon No. 13 in 2023 ~ Comparative Analysis with the Heavy Rainfall on October 25, 2019~

*Ryutaro Otsuka1, Takehiko Ito1, Jin Kashiwada2, Yasuo Nihei2 (1. Graduate School of Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, 2. Tokyo University of Science)

[II-143]Review and evaluation of the use of ensemble rainfall forecasts at Kurobe Dam for actual operation.

*Hiroaki Naka1, Yuusuke Otsubo1, Tsuyoshi Arimitsu1 (1. Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc)

[II-144]Vulnerability analysis on seasonal operation of multi-purpose reservoirs under global warming considering recent extreme flood event in adjacent river basin

*Daisuke Nohara1 (1. Kajima Corporation)

[II-145]Water Level Prediction in Tidal Rivers Considering River Facility Operations Based on Dynamical Systems Theory

*Hiroki Takikawa1, Shunya Okuno1, Yuta Yamagami1, Atsushi Kajiwara1 (1. KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc.)

[II-146]Research on Dam Inflow Prediction Considering Snowmelt in Elastic Net

*Shu Watanabe1, Makoto Nakatsugawa1, Yosuke Kobayashi1, Ayato Iizuka1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[II-147]Research on generalization of dam inflow prediction in Hokkaido and Tohoku regions using The Elastic Net

*Takuma Suzuki1, Tsubasa Sato1, Nakatsugawa Makoto1, Shu Watanabe1, Yosuke Kobayashi1 (1. Muroran Institute of Technology)

[II-148]Development of water level forecast system for small and medium-sized rivers

*Ryoichi Tsurumaki1, Naoki Matsuoka1, Tomohito Yamada2 (1. Hokkaido Weather Technology Center Co. Ltd., 2. Faculty of Engineering and Center for Natural Hazards Research, Hokkaido University)

[II-149]Investigation of the availability of household rainwater harvesting tanks in the event of a water outage due to a disaster, taking into account changes in precipitation patterns.

*Takeshi Kunitani1, Naoko Nakagawa2, Taichi Tebakari2 (1. Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, 2. Chuo University)