Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Mamoru Arita

[II-165]Study on the effect of continuous piles on gravel beach berm formation

*Yamato Torii1, Masami Kiku1, Norimi Mizutani2, Tomoaki Nakamura2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Gifu College, 2. Nagoya University)

[II-166]Fundamental Study on Pollution diffusion by Dropping Modified Soil into Water

*Yukihisa Matsumoto1, Katsuya Hamachi1, Yonghwan Cho2, Tomoaki Nakamura2, Norimi Mizutani2 (1. Obayashi Corporation, 2. Nagoya University)

[II-167]Study on the calculation of sediment transport volume in the surf zone using a numerical model

*Kengo Takenaka1, Hirokazu Sumi1 (1. Nihon University)

[II-168]Costline Changes in the Hokushinetsu Region in Recent Years Based on Topographic Map Comparisons

*Tetsuya tsuguta1, Ryoukei Azuma2, Kouhei Watanabe3 (1. OSAKA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Graduate School, 2. Department of Urban Design Engineering Faculty of Engineering OSAKA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY , 3. Mitsui Kyodi Construction Consultant Co.)

[II-169]A Study on Changes in the Risk of Wave-Induced Liquefaction of Seabed Soil along the Coast of Japan

*Junji Miyamoto1, Shinji Sassa2 (1. Toyo Construction, 2. Port and Airport Research Institute)

[II-170]Creation and significance of the technique for the past coast disaster inspection of the city seaside part

*Kazuhiko Oka1, Yo Fukutani2 (1. Tohoku University, 2. Kanto Gakuin University)

[II-171]Study on Stability Values of Mound-Covered Blocks of Composite Breakwaters

*Kei Shogenji1 (1. Nihon University)