Session Details

沿岸域の環境・生態系 (2)

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 PM - 5:40 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 7:20 AM - 8:40 AM UTC
Chair: Yuki Kamidaira

[II-186]Survey of seaweed beds in actual sea areas and study of seedling production of locally dominant seaweed species

*Yukari Yamamoto1, Tatsuya Suzuki1, Takahiro Kanai1, Yoshinori Oshima1 (1. Obayashi Corporation)

[II-187]Evaluation of Foundation Adhesion using Wakame Seaweed Stored Gametophytes

*Tatsuya Suzuki1, Yukari Yamamoto1, Hiroyasu Kataoka1, Takahiro Kanai1, Yoshinori Oshima1 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION)

[II-188]Trial study of a method for evaluating seagrass bed cover using aerial photography images

*Yuriko Takayama1, Go OHNO1, Maiko Akatsuka1 (1. TAISEI CORPORATION)

[II-189]The effects of nutrient supply on the tidal flat.

*Takahiro Kanai1, Yoshinori Oshima1, Mamoru Ishigaki2 (1. OBAYASHI CORPORATION, 2. Hiroshima Institute of Technology)

[II-190]One-tidal variation of microplastics in a tidal river

*Yota Iga1, Tomoya Kataoka1 (1. Ehime University)

[II-191]Analysis of the relationship between additional function evaluation in green-grey hybrid breakwaters and knowledge level on green-grey infrastructure

*Haruki Tomosue1, Michael Henry1, Yuichiro Kawabata2, Toko Tanaya2, Sumire Nakamura2 (1. shibaura institute of technology, 2. Port and Airport Research Institute)

[II-192]A study on the environmental awareness of Tokyo Bay residents regarding the effects of global warming

*Takatoshi Noguchi1, Thutomu Ise2 (1. Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation, 2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kantoh Regional Development Bureau)