Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:40 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Chair: Yoshiya Igarashi

[II-200]Projected changes in inundation conditions due to climate change in the Sendai river basin

*Ayumu Nishimura1, Hiroki Kimura1, Misaki Ijima1, Yasuyuki Maruya1, Shinichiro Yano1, Satoshi Watanabe1 (1. Kyushu University)

[II-201]Effect of Sediment Replenishment on Flood Control Safety of Downstream Rivers

*Yuki Yamada1, Satoru Nakade1, Gen Shibata1, Minoru Mukaida1, Koji Tsuji2, Azumi Koike2, Naoki Fujino2 (1. Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd., 2. Saitama Prefecture Chichibu Land Development Office)

[II-202]Review of Knowledge on Environmental and Maintenance Challenges Associated with River Dredging and Similar Activities

*Kenta Odashima1, Mai Tsuruta1, Osamu Yanagisawa1 (1. Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering)

[II-203]Study on dynamic dam flood control method considering the uncertainty of flood forecast

*tetsuya nakamura1, tadashi yamada2 (1. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants, 2. chuo univercity)

[II-204]Study on the effect of retarding basin with movable weir and paddy field storage for climate change

*Naoki Koyama1, Tetsuya Nakamura2, Tadashi Yamada1 (1. Chuo University, 2. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.)

[II-205]Evaluation of Flood Control and Water Level Management Effects of a Paddy Field Dam Device Incorporating Water Management Functions
-A Case Study in the Yoshida River-

*Keita Kubo1, Sasaki Moe1, Yuki Inoshita2, Yusuke Hiraga2, So Kazama2, Norihito Takahashi3 (1. Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY, 2. Department of Civil Engineering, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY, 3. CTI ENGINEERING CO.,LTD)